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Fesia Grasp

Fesia Grasp®

Hand Function Rehabilitation


Fesia Grasp® is a hand neurorehabilitation device, based on scientific evidence, for people who have lost the ability to control the hand and finger movement as a result of:

  • Stroke
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Other injury of the central nervous system.

Fesia Grasp® generates surface electrical stimulation to trigger flexion and extension of the wrist and fingers in order to regain the function of the individual’s hand, their freedom and independence.

Key aspects of Fesia Grasp®

Aspects of Fesia Grasp® for healthcare professionals

More natural grasp functionInduces neuroplasticity

Provides freedom and quality of life

Flexible textile for higher comfort

Proven clinical benefits

Bluetooth connectivity

Fesia Pro: unique app for all Fesia systems

Free palm

Specific therapy protocols for different stages (acute, subacute and chronic)Wrist, hand and finger rehabilitation

Easy to use system

Setting and starting time set to the minimum

Easy integration with other rehab systems

Muscular atrophy and spasticity reduction

Increase local blood circulation

Components of Fesia Grasp®

1.   Left or right arm

  • Velcro closure
  • Placement reference points
  • Flexible / soft
  • Adopts to shape of forearm
  • Wireless

3.   Stimulator

  • Full control of stimulation parameters
  • Bluetooth connectivity

2.   Multi-pad electrode

  • More natural movements
  • High selectivity of stimulation
  • Quick placement

4.   Fesia Software

  • Fesia Grasp software is designed to make management of the patients easier and keeps close track of their progress
  • Tablet with pre-loaded software included

See more of the Fesia Grasp® device

Let us know if you would like further information or wish to speak to one of our Product Specialists